Thursday, February 10, 2011


On the way to school this morning, I started up a conversation with E about her "favorites" - just to see what she would say. After going through the usual list of favorite color, favorite food, favorite movie, favorite song, favorite friend, I decided to dig a little more. (Confession time - I really wanted to ask her whether mommy was her favorite or daddy.) But I couldn't get past the voice in my head arguing just how unfair and unbiblical that question really was, so I opted for another:

Me: "Hey E - What's your favorite thing that mommy does?"
E: "Ummm...cook."
(I had made her scrambled eggs that morning, which is one of her favorite things to eat)

Me: "So, what's your favorite thing that daddy does?"
E grins a little, sticks outs her tongue, and proceeds to make potty noises with her mouth...and then starts laughing hysterically.

I'm not sure if there has ever been a better commentary on life at our house. :)


  1. Her Daddy learned from his Daddy. Go figure:)

  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute...grandpa reads the blog?!?!
