Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Traumatizing Event

I'm pretty sure I scarred my child for life today.

I picked her up from her sitter's house, with intentions of running a few errands with her that I thought she might enjoy. One of them, a first for her, was washing the car. I have fond memories of going through the car wash as a kid. I always thought it was pretty relaxing. I always wondered what it would be like to be standing outside of the car and feel the giant washcloths turn over you on both sides. I loved the scent of the car wax that always wafted through the air conditioning toward the end of the cycle. I remember thinking that the roof of the car would surely have permanent dents from the massive hair dryers at the end of the line. I assumed that E would feel the same way.

I assumed incorrectly. At the first sign of the huge, spinning brushes her face melted into a frown. When the giant washcloths appeared, the frown turned to anxiety. The sound of the jet-stream of water all around finally tipped her over into terror, and she started to cry. The only redeeming factor was the dryer at the end - she knows what a hair dryer is and was able to kind of equate the two, plus I think it also helped that she could finally see sunshine again.

I think we might stay away from the car wash for a while.


  1. Ha...I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a humorous car wash story with a child! :) Look under Aprils posts for our trip to the car wash story. Actually now that I think about it neither AG or Samson has been back since that day.

  2. Oh how sweet and tender. I tried that once with some of mine. There is a car wash on the east side of town where you can get out of the car and let her "watch" it for a few times so she won't be so scared!

    We love the one on the west side of town now!
    It's so fun!

  3. Ok, that's hilarious! And its sad that my first thought was "i wish we had tried that to see what Graham would do." If I was still there I would definitely try it, I think I get bad mom points for that.
