Wednesday, August 12, 2009


E has really turned the corner on her social development recently, and you can see the wheels turning in her head constantly. She talks in completely unintelligible, run-on sentences that only seem to end when she runs out of breath. And she's started tilting her head to the side and waving her arms when she talks too, just to emphasize how important her point really is. Most of the time I end up laughing hysterically, which in turn cracks her up too (which luckily means she also forgets about the fact that I didn't respond to what she was actually saying). This is a really fun age.

She's also learning how to regulate her body right now (for example, how to gently pat a kitten), and I am constantly using the phrase "be sweet" to remind her to use a soft touch with things that are fragile. Apparently, somewhere along the way, "be sweet" became synonymous with "kissing" and "hugging," as you can see (all of these poses were inspired by me reminding her to "be sweet"):

Her daddy and I are on the benefiting end of all these hugs and kisses too, and I've got quite a few memories from the past few days that I want to bottle up and keep forever. I'm looking forward to being able to have a real conversation with her one day, but it's hard to imagine a day when "being sweet" won't have such a child-like innocence.

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