Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Busy Day

I've had a rather busy day, wearing lots of hats, sometimes more than one at once. Typically, this kind of pace feeds my inner "Lion," and I become a very productive, if maybe a bit antisocial, wife/mom/worker.

In His perfect timing, God laid a book in my hands this morning, a very unexpected gift from a coworker and friend. As I drove down the road, I opened it up to the Foreword to peek at it (oh...the irony of this scene), and this is what I read:
"Forcing ourselves to deny the exacting toll such a hurry-up lifestyle takes on us, we are reluctant to face the hard fact that being busy is not a satisfactory substitute for being holy. On the contrary, racing through one week after another at breakneck speed leads to tragic consequences - shallow roots and superficial fruit. Worst of all, God gets only the leftovers because we formed the bad habit of operating on spiritual 'empty'." ~Chuck Swindoll, Foreword to Ken Gire's "Intimate Moments with the Savior"
Hello, conviction.

Right after that, I had the thought, "Ok, J, now that you have had this awesome revelation, what are you going to do about it?"

Hello, conviction #2.

Because right after having the former thought, I heard a another (wiser) voice saying, "Yeah, J, what are you going to do about it, huh? Look around...aren't you right where you are because of your doing? How about letting Me do it for a little while? Remember when I said, 'take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, J'? You know I said that only because I love you and because I know what's best for you..."

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