Monday, November 30, 2009
Columbus Was Onto Something...
We are doing really well, just trying to keep our heads above water as L crams in the last month of studies for his first round of grad school classes, we get decorated for Christmas, prepared for birthdays, holidays and other celebrations galore that occur every December.
I will have pics and backdated posts up soon (our tree went up tonight, and I got a sweet shot of E hanging her first ornament ever on the tree!!) soon as I can catch my breath, that is. As for tonight, I have about 40 paper cuts in my tongue and a cramp in my right hand from working on Christmas cards, so I am going to call it and get some shut-eye.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A Few Moments of Thankfulness
1. Freedom to Worship. Through the sacrifice of many men and women who are serving this country and God, I am able to wake up every morning and with little-to-no persecution (relatively speaking) serve the God that I believe has died for me. Thank you to each and every one of you who has sacrificed to give me such an amazing and undeserved gift.
2.Family and Friends. Between incredible parents, awesome siblings, an amazing husband, a joyful daughter, sweet in-laws, wonderful friends, I really have an awesome support system and community.
3. A Home. Even though our house didn’t sell in the past six months on the market, and we weren’t able to make the move we were hoping for, I am certain that God has us exactly where He wants us. I am looking forward to growing within our little home and seeing God do amazing things within the four walls he has placed us for this time.
4. My Job. I have an amazing job doing things that make my heart come alive, working with people that truly inspire me to seek after Christ and be more like Him every day. I have so much respect and admiration for Truett Cathy and his obedience to the will of God. Our world is truly better because of this great man.
5. Food to eat. Thanksgiving with the Morgans/Styles is unbelievable. And after that, I still get to go home to a pantry and refrigerator stocked with the things that we need. What an incredible blessing.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Introducing: Disney Princesses
As we’ve broken into the full-length feature Disney/animation movies, I’ve been intentionally shying away from the ones with a “Princess” theme. Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved these movies as a girl (and still do), but I don’t know...I guess I just don’t want these movies to be the first influence over E’s heart and mind about what a princess “really is.” She’s already asking questions to her daddy like, “Am I cute?” and making comments about things being “pretty,” so I’m already feeling a few steps behind in the way of leading her to see beauty from a Godly perspective. Disney Princesses are surely not going to be helpful in supporting that kind of biblical worldview.
Nevertheless, her daddy inadvertently asked her if she wanted to watch “Beauty and the Beast” the other day, as it was on top of a stack of movies at the cabin. (He's now forgiven). I glanced his way and gave him the one-eyebrow raise as if to say, “Are you really sure you want to do this now?” But she’d already said “yes,” and since it has been offered, we decided to let it play out.
She, of course, loved the animation, loved the songs, loved every aspect. UNTIL the Beast appeared on the scene. I’d forgotten that in order to have a beauty to be rescued, there must be a villain inspired into plot. And though the Beast is certainly redeemed in the end, he is clearly very frightening in the beginning. So, after about thirty seconds of watching the Beast, E turned to me and, in the tiniest little voice, said, “Mama, Care Bears?” At which point I breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Absolutely, dear. Care Bears is a great choice.”
Saved by the villain this time. :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Closer Than You Think
Less than 24 hours after L got back from Egypt, we were in the car and on the way to spend Thanksgiving at my parents’ new cabin. E was fast asleep in the backseat, and we were cruising along when we came upon an accident that had probably happened only mere minutes prior to our arrival. A really bad one. There were cars spread to the sides of the road and plenty of people on the scene, and it didn’t appear that they needed any help. We were at a crossroads and able to easily do a U-turn and find another route. But something kept us glued there. We said nothing. I prayed and prayed as I watched a team of five young guys pull another young man through the drivers side window of a decimated Rodeo. And still we sat there.
I’m not sure how long it took us to actually turn the car around. When we did, though, I noticed a sign in front of the church on top of the hill right where the accident occured: “ETERNITY IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.” Now, as a rule, I really am not a fan of church signs. In most cases, I think they repel more people than they attract. But I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to shake the poignancy of that sign, the realness of the whole scene, the unknown futures of those sitting at the bottom of that hill.
Few things could have left L and I silent after a week and a half of no communication, but that was one of them. We drove in total silence for over fifteen minutes. When he finally did speak, it was in remembrance of “Shannon,” a story for another day that has left a mark in our history.
Without foreshadowing doom, Eternity really is closer than we think. And there is only One answer to what is waiting for us after this life here on Earth, and that is the Judgment of the One True and Holy God. And the everlasting grace and mercy that is ours if we only believe in the life sacrifice of His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, who was fully God and then submitted to the Father to come to Earth as fully human in the form of a baby, growing up perfectly obedient to His Father’s Will, and through that obedience dying on the cross for our sins, and then three days later being raised from the dead by the awesome power of our God, so that anyone who believes in Him shall be judged righteous on the day “Eternity” begins for us.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” -John 3:16
Monday, November 23, 2009
Together Again
E and I have been talking all day about her daddy being in an airplane, but if you asked here where her daddy was, "Work," was the only answer you'd get. (That's the place she always says he is if he isn't home.) The moment she spotted him at the airport, she let out a huge squeal, "DAAAADDYYY!" and ran to give him a big hug. And silly me left my camera in the car!
She almost couldn't keep herself from talking the whole way home. Several times I had to ask her to be quiet for a minute so mommy and daddy could talk (up until that point, she kept getting louder and louder in order to be able to be heard over our conversation).
God was so good to us while we were apart - he sustained us and kept me unusually busy enough that it was difficult to find time to think about how much I missed him. And because of the timing of it all, we are going to be able to spend the majority of this Thanksgiving week foregoing work and reconnecting as a family again.
Thank you, Lord, for bringing my husband and E's daddy back home to us safely and for providing for our every need and many of our wants during the time he was away!! Thank you for amazing family and friends who loved on us and supported us through this past week (ou know who you are!!), and for providing us with a Thanksgiving break that will allow us to recoup and reconnect. And most of all - thank you for doing all these things for us in order to draw us nearer to you and teach us to trust you in good times and in bad times. To say you are good doesn't even scratch the surface, but it's simple enough for my human mind to comprehend, with the hope that you know my heart's prayer of gratitude for the way you measure out extravagant blessings on our family.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Me and My Big Mouth
My husband (and my dad, for that matter) could look directly into another persons eyes and tell them they were the meanest person with the most rotten attitude and uneven ears and they would tear up, hug them and thank them for being so awesomely genuine and loving them as a person. It's an unbelievably wonderful gift...that I do not have.
Now, seriously, they would never say exactly those things, but God has truly given these men of my life a way with the spoken word. In the face of an opportunity to share what's on my heart, I find myself often making excuses before the burning bush just like Moses once did, ", God? Don't you remember that I don't speak well at all?"
So it happened again tonight - one of those "Moses Moments." I opened my mouth at the wrong time in the wrong place and apparently said the wrong words. Three strikes and I'm out. I totally offended a friend of mine (unbeknownst to me at the time), and I'm praying tonight for grace to cover my multitude of sins and wisdom to figure out where to go from here. One thing's for sure: this handicap of mine definitely forces humility on me (and makes me ever-so-thankful for my incredible husband). if humility weren't enough, God so graciously provided some conviction as well (this was waiting for me when I got home tonight as part of my daily reading):
"A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell. " James 3:3-6 (The Message)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Warm Welcome
However, today was not that day. Tonight as I walked in the door and turned the corner, E broke into a huge grin, opened up her arms, and started yelling..."In.....DI....AAAANNNNNNAAAA!! INDIANA!! INDIANA!!! IIINNNNDDIIIIAAAAAANNNNAAAA!!!" Jumping up and down, bouncing all over the room, she was so excited about seeing her long lost friend that she forgot to notice her mama standing right there. It was a whole 90 seconds before I even got a glance. Had to beg for a half-hearted hug and kiss.
And I have to much I as would have loved a trumpet fanfare at my arrival, I so enjoyed watching her take delight in the 100-lb puppy that smacks her around all day every day. He's caused quite a tear or two in our house, as he sometimes forgets how to manage his bulk around her, but he's made a forever-impact on our hearts. Not ten minutes later, she was perched on top of him eating a cracker and watching Barney as he lay soldier-still on the floor. Why can't dogs have the lifetime of a human??
Friday, November 20, 2009
Lay ME Down
Thinking about the physical distance that has separated us for this short time, I am reminded of some of my favorite Sandra McCracken lyrics, from a song she penned after long stretches of being apart from her husband; words that resonate with how I feel often times when L and I are apart:
All the miles between usSo, here I lay ME down. ME and all my wishes for that warm spot to return to my bed (the one that doesn't shed, anyway). ME and all my desires to share my day-to-day experiences with my soulmate. ME and all my desires to have a co-laborer to cook dinner, wash dishes, do laundry, and rake leaves. ME and all my desires to be wrapped up into the arms of the one I love at this very moment. Here I lay ME down, knowing that God is walking with me, purposing these moments, and providing for my every need.
they say that’s just the way it goes
time is no friend to lovers
stretched like the line that hangs the clothes
but we walk the distance another day
the rope is thin but does not give way
And I can hear the band of angels singing now
like a story from the page is read aloud
but this is not make believe...
I’d rather have the mystery and the madness and the rains
cause hell’s the only place you can be free of all love’s pain
I have no claim on the future
so here I lay me down
and God is a friend to lovers
he makes the bone, the flesh, the ground
and he walks with us, make no mistake
and holds us when our hearts, they break
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Brain-Power: Exhausted
Since my brain isn't really running on all four cylinders tonight, I'll leave you with some humor. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ugh. Technology.
I'm a "Blackberry" girl - granted, only until iPhone goes to Verizon. Got one a year ago when I started a new job, and haven't looked back. It's annoyingly convenient to be able to take your digital "life" with you wherever you go.
Yesterday, though, my phone's keypad totally went out - in the middle of the day, with no warning. Mind you - this phone has been dropped, kicked, chewed on, tossed, dropped, squeezed, dropped, rained on, dropped...and did I mention, dropped? It's a phone. I have a two-year-old. Case closed.
But despite all of the trauma it's faced, it has continued to work faithfully. Until yesterday, at which point it had apparently gathered the support of my entire keypad, and everybody went on strike.
This would have been incredibly frustrating on a normal day. When your husband is in Egypt, you're planning to go out of town in the morning, your child will be with your mom, your dog with a friend, and a dinner date with some friends who don't know your phone isn't working...frustrating doesn't even come close. Adding insult to injury, I had to go by the Verizon store. Even worse was when the "customer service" lady on the opposite side of the counter, after commenting on how tired my child must be (because she's cried since we walked in the door), announces that in fact she cannot help me because I have obviously caused extensive damage to the phone and must therefore file an insurance claim instead. I cried with my tired child as we left the store empty-handed.
Thankfully, insurance was happy to help after I paid a $50 deductible (which to me is like paying a $4000 deductible on a car damage claim...totally ridiculous) and $20 to ship next-day so that MAYBE it would be delivered before I left to go out of town.
I'm so glad there won't be cell phones in heaven.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hope Does Not Disappoint
My husband and I, over the past year, have walked this road with THREE couples that we know. We have cried innumerable tears over the betrayal, the pain, the loss, and the depths of despair they have faced. We have begged God for mercy, we have begged God for fresh wind, we have begged God to change the things only He can control. I am especially burdened for a new friend of mine that is walking this road as I type, and I am praying these words over her as I plead with God to give her and her husband HOPE for a future that is greater than they could possibly imagine:
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. ~Romans 5:3-5
He has been and continues to be an exceedingly good and gracious God to our friends. He has healed, he has restored, and he has strengthened marriages each and every time. What the Enemy has meant for destruction, He has purposed from the very beginning of time for their good and His Glory, and it has been an unbelievable blessing to be able to watch God show off in our friend's lives in ways that can only be attributed to His Power and His Grace. I have no doubt that He will continue to be faithful, that He will continue to make His will known among His people, and that we will seek Him and find Him when we seek Him with all of our hearts. I have hope that He will not disappoint us, because of His unfailing love.
What an INCREDIBLE God we are free to love and know and serve!
**On that note, I cannot say enough wonderful words about my friends at WinShape Retreat/WinShape Marriage. They believe in a Great and Mighty God who desires to see each and every marriage healed, restored, and transformed so that we - husbands and wives - can bear the image of the intimacy and perfect love Jesus will one day lavish perfectly upon His Bride. Every year, my husband and I spend a weekend at Retreat, sharing in the experience of what WinShape has to is a truly extraordinary place.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
SOOO Much Two-ness
-Our one famous day of potty training was, well, a disaster. By the end of the day, we were both stressed and moody, and unable to cope with any additional demands that were made of us the rest of the day. We're taking a mini-hiatus while I regroup and consider what plan might work best for BOTH of us.
-Starting just recently, when I ask her a simple question with a relatively easy (yes or no) answer, instead of answering, she is glaring at me from the side and then rolling her eyes, as if to say, "Duh, mom. What d'ya think my answer would be to that question?" When I told my husband about it (and my dad, for that matter), they both answered, "Guess she's like her mama, isn't she?" *ouch*
-The other night, while over at a friend's house eating dinner, I was helping E get some food on her fork. Apparently this wasn't what she wanted, because she reached out and popped my arm with her hand, pointed her finger at me, and said, "No." I would've given everything in the world to have a picture of the way her daddy's face contorted at that moment. Priceless. Pretty sure she won't be trying that one again.
-Today on the way to church, I overheard her talking in the back seat: "Love you SOOO much, PopPop. Love you SOOOO much Nana. Love you SOOO much, Doggie...." Thinking I'd play with her, I started to offer so names. "SOOO much, Mama?" I tried. "NO! Love you SOOO much PopPop," she answered. Then, of course it became a game. Everyone but mama was loved SOOO much today. :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Mixing Rocks Into Soil
Yet, all the above activities were accompanied by sadness - in a small way - as my husband packed, drove to the airport, and departed for a 10-day missions excursion to Cairo, Egypt. As I write, he is on a plane crossing the Atlantic.
I am praying and praying that I will not miss out on the purposes God has for me during this time of physical separation from my husband. I know He is doing a work in my heart, and that this small part of the journey is important for Him to grow in me a deeper desire for and joy in Him alone, an opportunity for me to send my roots down deeper into the fertile soil of Life in Him.
As I pondered these things tonight, I was reminded of an illustration that the Bible alludes to several times in regards to the grapevine. If you ever spend some time with a good vintner, you will notice that, in some cases, he or she will plant rocks among the soil where a grapevine grows, in order to force the vine to run its roots deep into the ground, where it will be able to find the most nutrients and a more stable supply of water. Likewise, God plants "rocks" into the soil of our lives to stretch us, to grow us, to cause us to run our roots deeper and deeper into the wealth of His Being, where we will find the Living Water - the only Water that can truly heal and sustain our lives. What a loving God - who knows exactly how to tend to our souls and cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in our hearts, even when it is tough and sometimes hurtful in the process.
This is the kind of God that I want to get to know more during these next ten days. The kind of God who knows me so intimately that I can be sure He has purposed these days long before I was even born. The kind of God who is - I am certain - on the edge of His seat as He looks in anticipation at the new things I will discover about Him as I learn how to lean on His grace and His mercy over the next week. The only God who could, would, and will ever look at me and see nothing but righteousness and the glory of His Son over me, and because of that, love me fiercely and fight for me tirelessly.
Some sweet memories from today:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Birthday Cake
Today while running errands, I went by my favorite local bakery to pick out my birthday cake, hoping they would have one of my all-time favorite cakes: German Chocolate. They did! I bought it, went back to the car balancing E on one hip and the cake in the other hand, and we loaded up and carried on with our errands.
Jumping back into the car after our next stop, I threw my bags carelessly into the passenger seat, realizing a moment too late that my cake was probably underneath those bags. Panicking, I grabbed the bags and searched for cake damage. Then I started searching for the cake. I could not find the cake. Though Indiana was in the car, I doubted he would have time to eat a whole cake and leave not a single crumb in less than 10 minutes, so I started to retrace my steps back to the bakery.
And it hit me. I had put the cake on top of the car when I loaded E into the seat. Surely I didn't drive off with it still on the car. As I passed by an intersection near the bakery (while back-tracking), there it was...chocolate cake and bakery box smeared across the highway. I had driven off with the cake on top of my car.
As a last-ditch effort (and because I had nothing to lose), I parked and went back into the bakery for the second time in 15 minutes, and started in on my sob story, laughing out loud at myself and how ridiculous it sounded. Not only did the bakery have an extra cake in the back, but they also packaged it up and gave it to me for free.
I know it's pretty trivial, but to me, I got two clear messages from God in that moment.
1) He is the giver of all good things. Instead of me buying my own birthday cake, by walking me through such a crazy half-hour, it turned out that God gave me a birthday cake instead. So much more meaningful, and reminded me that he cares for even the seemingly insignificant little things that put a song in my heart.
2) Slow down. For some reason, God keeps bringing up the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, reminding me that those who steadily work toward their goals are the ones who finish first and finish strong. This lesson is permeating my personal life and my work life, reminding me over and over again to keep pressing forward one step at a time. By moving at Hare-speed, I am leaving things unfinished and vulnerable to destruction. Thankfully for us, God is ready and waiting to give us a brand new "cake" even when, by our own design, we have destroyed the first one.
In One Morning...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let the Games Begin
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Pretty, Pretty Princess...or Not?
I drove on, already at work in my mind, thinking of emails and conversations and deadlines, when I heard E from the back seat:
"Pretty. Pretty, mama. Pretty."
I turned the rear-view mirror so I could take a glance, and found that she had snagged my flash drive from its soft case attached to my keys in the few seconds she'd had them before. I looked back just in time to see her pull off the top, lift it to her mouth, and begin pretending she was putting on lipstick. Oh dear.
Fast forward to this afternoon when I stopped by my husband's frisbee team practice. E came running to me, huge grin on her face, laughing hysterically. I didn't really know what was so funny until I took a closer look. Mud...smeared all over her face, all down the front of her pants. Now, down the front of the pants is understandable for a toddler who is still rather clumsy. But her face? Right about that time, my husband walked over to me and caught me studying the red clay caked on her nose. "Yeah," he said, "That's because she was eating dirt again." Eating dirt? Again?!?
Oh well. At least we know she's well-balanced.
~Ernest Boyer, Jr.
Praying for Cairo
L has traveled quite a bit in our five years of marriage, both nationally and internationally, so I'm already praying about a few major things that affect us each time he's gone:
1 - Our little one. Though I'm getting more used to the feeling of doing life without his physical presence for a few days, she is (I think) going to miss him more than she ever has. She is really starting to develop a sweet relationship with her daddy, and has learned that he is the giver of life in regards to playing, laughing, and being silly together. And because she thrives on those things, it's going to be tough to not have him around for twelve days.
2 - A spirit of humility. It's tough to submit to the fact that, for twelve days, God has designed that there are more important places for my husband and E's daddy to be than home with us. We need him here, we want him here - he is vitally important to our home. So it's difficult to submit to God and allow my husband to serve others instead of us for a brief time. (It sounds horribly selfish to say, doesn't it? Oh's the honest truth).
3 - A spirit of dependence. This is probably the biggest one for me. A true Type-A, it's easy for me to take control. When L is gone for an extended period of time, its easier to take control of his responsibilities and do it all myself than it is to lean on God and others and allow them to minister to me during his absence. What this effectively does is work L out of a job as a husband and a daddy (because I'm doing it all and therefore do not need his help), and makes it really tough for us to come back together as a team once he is home.
These are a few of the things that a sweet team of prayer warriors prayed over L and his team last night. Among the many other things were for God to do a mighty work in the hearts of the team members and those they are going to serve, for safe and efficient travels, and for peace and trust in times that things don't go as planned. These things I am lifting up to a mighty God Who goes before us and makes a way for his people, a loving God Who desires that the world may know Him, a good God who knows and provides for our every need even before we know it ourselves.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The First Year
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Roma Ultima
Thursday, November 5, 2009
On the Road Again
And it hit me this past week that between September 19th and December 31st, we are going to spend exactly ONE full weekend as a family in our own home. That is totally unacceptable, but unfortunately, our fault. We are cutting things left and right to be able to carve out these precious times that we will never get back. We are apologizing to people and backing out of commitments that we had previously made. It feels (sometimes) like I am a horrible friend to the people that I love because I am unable to commit to fun things like showers and birthday parties and hanging out on the weekends.
This weekend, E and I are going to watch her daddy play in an Ultimate Frisbee tournament for his first time ever. I am hoping for it to be some quality time with each other and with some great friends of ours. I am praying that God will grant us rest and rejuvenation in the midst of being on the road yet again for the fifth weekend in a row. I am also looking forward to recommitting to a year of even more intentionality in 2010, as my husband and I continue to evaluate our priorities and the "stuff" we are involved in!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Instant Gratification
But on the way home tonight from dinner, I heard these little words coming from the back seat,
"Mommy, I s-h-a-r-e with Bo. S-h-a-r-e. Special. Share with Bo. Sweet. Share, sweet."
And about halfway through agreeing with her that, yes, sharing with Bo was really sweet - it hit me. The note. Why didn't I start this the first day she was alive?!?!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Family Times




Monday, November 2, 2009
The Star of the Show
She's definitely an attention-seeker - of that I am certain. She has no problem breaking out a little white-girl dance in the middle of a highly public place; in fact, she did just that during a little playdate we had with a friend this morning. She's also becoming more and more aware of the camera, and on the way home last night began asking me to snap her picture while she made goofy poses in the back seat.
At the top of the list with white-girl-break-dancing is also karaoke; "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is (appropriately) one of her favorites right now. My favorite line is, "Up above the world so high, Rocket diamond in the sky..."
The pictures and the video are from last night's movie-maker episode in the car seat. They're a little fuzzy, as all I had on me was my phone camera; but she was in rare form...a perfect time for capturing some candid memories, regardless of the quality.




