Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall 2003

In early September of 2003, my dad and I filled my little Nissan Altima to the breaking point, climbed in, and tag-teamed the drive all the way to Colorado Springs, CO (with a little pit stop on the way to visit my grandparents who were motorhoming across the country). We got there, moved my stuff into the 2BR apartment that I would be living in with three strangers for the next 4 months, and I drove him to the airport to catch a plane back home.

I had been accepted to attend a one-semester academic journey into the how's and why's of the Christian life. It absolutely revolutionized the way I view the world, which impacted every sphere of life from family to politics to science to psychology. I was challenged to give an answer for what I believed, why I believed it to be true, and what believing those things meant in day-to-day life.

I never could have possibly imagined the importance of the foundation those few months laid in my life, or the impact that the Institute would have on the way I parent, the movie choices that I make, and the friendships that I have.

If you are/are going to someday be 20-26 years old, if you know someone who is 20-26 years old, if you have a child that will be 20-26 years old at some point (I'm thinking this should cover everybody), you really should check out the Focus Leadership Institute. It's one of those moments in life in which I would have pressed the "pause" button indefinitely just to never stop experiencing the richness and depth of education, community and truth that is totally inescapable at that place.


  1. I went in summer of 2003 and agree to everything you just said. Was one of the best times of my life. Blessings

  2. Jessica, your dad passed this link along to the FLI staff back in Sept. and I am just now getting around to reading it. (I have a three month old now, so that might explain why :)). Thank you for your encouraging words!
