Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blogger World

I'm enjoying this new blogging phase of life. It's given me accountability to do something I've always wanted to do but never made time for, which is documenting the really great stuff in life.

It all started with my friend G recommending that if I only read one blog ever, I needed to read this one. So one morning, I made a cup of coffee, got E's video started, opened up my laptop to do a bit of Facebook browsing, and decided to check out what "JMom" had written for the day.........and two videos, three cups of coffee, a box of Kleenex, and an hour later, E peeled me away from the computer screen, back into our world and to the life that was happening right before my eyes.

It took me about eight months to gather up the nerve to venture out onto my own blog. I'm a perfectionist, Type A personality to the core, so I stood frozen on the cliff for a long time, trying to think about the perfect way to jump. It's a little nerve-racking knowing that somebody else is going to be reading your mind, literally. Especially when I'm quite comfortable with the fact that, up to this point, I've been described as someone who's pretty hard to read, even by my husband at times. It's a sobering place to be, for sure.

For all of you out there who are getting to know me and our little family by way of the world wide web, welcome. My theology may be a little "off" at times, but only because I have the handicap of peering at a great, big, infinite God through a teeny, tiny, finite pair of human eyes - not because I am intending to fit him inside my own little box. I hope you enjoy the glimpses into our lives, but even more, I hope you are encouraged to get to know this God that offers us the joy and the hope that gives our lives meaning.


  1. I love your blog. I want to quote you. I think E will enjoy this documentation with all of her heart one day.
    your friend-Julie

  2. yay! So honored to be mentioned in this post and to have opened the way to blogger world for you! :) I love reading your blog, reading your thoughts, and seeing the way you view the world! I can honestly say the more I get to know you the more I'm impressed and honored to be your friend (first) and co-worker!

  3. Well, I wasn't expecting THIS when I came over to catch up with you tonight! I am so glad you dived in. I am blessed by getting to know your heart this way!
