Friday, September 25, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately about E's eternity, and what all I can and must do to ensure that she chooses eternity with the God that I have come to know and believe and trust in and love. There is a small part of me that wants to believe that I have this kind of control...that I can do something - everything - right and thereby know that she will become a Christian.

But I don't have this control.

I don't.

And furthermore - I don't (in the end) really want it.

For what if I did? What if I had the power to ensure that someone would choose Christ and then I (because I am a self-loving human who doesn't always do the right thing) chose not to do what was necessary to bring a person to know Christ because it was tougher than I expected. If it was really up to me, how often would I fail? And if my failure damned them for eternity, how in the world could I myself then be worthy of eternal salvation?

Only our God has the power...praise Him!!! He alone is the One able to call our souls out of the death that sin caused. He alone is the One who extends grace, the One whom we are unable to resist when our souls hear his call. As a mom, my responsibility to E is not to do enough to save her, but to love my God wholly and completely before her each and every day, modeling for her all that Christ offers to us in God through his perfect sacrifice for all mankind. When I succeed at times, she gets a greater picture of our Holy God. When I fail, she understands the grace extended to us through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen!!!

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