Saturday, September 12, 2009


I don't typically wear Christian tees, I don't have any cross jewelry, and I haven't stuck a family of fish to the bumper of my car. I have many friends that do, though, with very honorable reasons for these actions. I certainly take no issue with those who use these tools as a reminder to themselves the kind of life God calls us to lead - I have a tattoo on my ring finger for the very same reason, so I'd be a hypocrite to suggest otherwise. My challenge sometimes is, however, whether these "treasures" inspire deep heart change or shallow self-focused actions.

Though we can gain a lot by studying the life of Jesus, modeling our lives after his, and serving others the way he did, we will still miss eternal life if we do not commit our hearts completely to him. Our actions must be inspired by a Godward heart, not the other way around. Simply doing the things that Jesus once did will not gain us eternal life, if we have not been bought by his blood. A person striving to do great things "for the benefit of the earth" is simply worshipping the Ruler of this Earth, not returning glory to the God who created the Earth and everything in it.

Jesus was a "good person," no doubt. But this was not his purpose. His purpose was to carry out the mission that God set him on this earth to do. His focus was on God and the step-by-step action of glorifying Him, not on surveying the crowd to see what miracles were available to be performed. His power and His authority to do great and miraculous things came from His total dependence on God the Father, not on His own judgment of the present situation. The cross symbol is valuable to us today first because Jesus hung on it in total submission to the Father and then because through Jesus' obedience God brought salvation to mankind. Through Jesus' complete and total obedient submission to the will of His Father, God is able to offer to me and to you His favor, but throughout the whole process, Jesus only knew His obedience was of far greater value than what He was able to understand.

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." ~Matthew 26:39

Father, I am really tempted some days to do things that would allow me to be seen as a "good person," without first stopping to scrutinize Who/who I am doing these things for. As a human, I want to be seen as successful, beautiful, notable, lovable, and trustworthy. As your child, I want to glorify You in everything that I do. Help keep my eyes from shifting away from your gaze, so that I don't start sinking into the waves of this world. I want you to get the glory for everything that you call me to do, whether it is seen favorably by this world or not.

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