Monday, September 14, 2009

A Love For Reading

It's soooo easy to let the TV be a free babysitter. This fact alone is one of the top three reasons we don't have cable TV in our house. It's just too tempting. Still though, we have movies galore, and E is a huge fan of anything Disney. So the temptation is still great to let the film roll while I do laundry, wash dishes, read a book - everything is easier uninterrupted.

Truth is, though, I want to establish a love for reading in E. Not only is it educational, but it's also one of the primary ways that we are able to get to know our God - so it's a rather important skill to have.

Her favorite book so far is Dr. Seuss' "Hop on Pop." She's now asking for it by name, and is starting to "read" a few of the memorized pages. I've been trying to catch this on video for a few weeks now!


  1. omg she is the smartest little girl ever! very impressive! :)

  2. very smart!

    BTW.....Im catching up on your blog tonight!
