Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Top Ten Places to Take a Toddler

1. The Pet Store. Yes, the stinky, dirty one that has real dog bones in a crate on the floor at the front of the store. We went by today to get some dog food for Indiana, and completely lost track of time. She went around the store, peering through the glass windows, naming hamsters "rabbits," and lizards "frogs," and trying to tweet like a bird.

2. The Book Store. Free reading material! Plus display toys and train sets - we get hours of entertainment out of this one.

3. The Bakery. Thanks to this one, our downtown street is now affectionately named, "Cookie Street" by E.

4. The Library. Another great place for a free outing, especially on a rainy day. You can even rent movies from the library...who knew?!?

5. A Great Babysitter. We absolutely adore Mrs. T, our 3-days-a-week sitter. She is totally irreplaceable in our hearts, and every morning when we get in the car, E says, "T?" as if to say, "Are we going to Mrs. T's house today?" It's a wonderful feeling to know your child is going to have just as much fun, if not more, at the sitter's house than she would at home with you. I love the confidence that it's built in her to be away from mommy and daddy for periods of time as well.

6. Kindermusik. We're in our third week and LOVING it. E gets the funniest little looks on her face when I sing, as if she's never heard me make those sounds before. Plus it gives me great ideas and props for playing with her during the other days of the week.

7. Walking. Something about the rhythm of walking chills both of us out. She's still and quiet and taking in all of the beauty of God's nature, which gives me a moment without having to meet any demands or come up with anything fun to do besides watch TV. On some days, it's the one moment of quality "me" time that I can manage to get in the midst of a lot of crazy busyness.

8. Inflatables Place. DON'T FORGET YOUR SOCKS!

9. Out to Eat. This one is fun for us, simply because we don't go out all that often. When we do go out to eat, I leave all baby props at home - child-sized utensils, sippy cups, etc. I figure this is a chance to test our family survivor skills.

10. The Park. We're still working on the swing with E - it's strangely terrifying for her at this age. Be prepared to get your own exercise in as well!

These are some of our favorite places to go! What's yours?

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