Tuesday, September 8, 2009


E is beginning to understand that humans have been given dominion over animals, and is trying to figure out exactly how to carry out that authority with all the creatures that cross her path. She has found, for the most part, that most wild animals, such as squirrels and stray kittens, simply do not come when called. Other animals, such as our own Indiana, come all to quickly to slay her with kisses, even when not called. She has successfully learned to tell him "back" (very seriously, with the finger point and all), and just tonight she tried "popping" him on the nose after watching me do the same a little earlier for a foul he had committed. Truly, she is taking it all in these days.

Just about a week ago, she figured out that if she holds onto his tail while he runs around the house, it's a little like...well...flying. And it's apparently quite fun, too. She begins by calling him, then grabbing his tail, then counting, "One, two....ONE!" And this has become his cue to take off; in some cases trailing her behind him, and in other cases, leaving her sprawled on the floor - but either way, giggling hysterically.

We're working on capturing a video, but until we do - here are a few fun shots of the good times these two have been having together lately, only this time with a leash instead of by the tail.

1 comment:

  1. oh my word! she's so beautiful! i can picture the scene with indiana so clearly in my mind's eye. i miss you guys tons! thanks for keeping everyone updated! love you!
