Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Kitten for a Day

On Sunday night, the cutest little kitten walked right up onto our front porch and practically came inside our house, directly behind our 95-lb dog. It was apparently too hungry to be concerned about its life, so I fed it a little tuna we had in our cabinet.

I really don't know what I was thinking. I don't really like cats, not even when they're cute little kittens.

To top it all off (and prove that I had truly lost my brain), I thought it might be fun to keep the little furball around, especially if it tolerated our canine family member. So I ran out to grab a few "cat" things from Walmart, and it slept peaceably in the bathroom Sunday night.

When E woke up the next morning - my brain still temporarily on vacation - I showed her the kitten. I decided that it needed a bath before she would be able to play with it. By the way, kittens - when they are wet - are NOT cute.

My brain finally returned on Monday afternoon, and I realized that though I wanted the kitten to survive (which was really the initial instinct that moved in and kicked out my brain), I really did not have an affinity for it and certainly had not budgeted to be able to take care of an additional pet this year. So...we gave it and all it's paraphernalia to the kids next door. Though the mom approved of the transfer before I allowed them to take the kitten, I really don't think she was all that appreciative of my kind gesture to provide food, water bowl, litter box and toys, since those things meant that the cat also came with it.

Today, when E got home, we went all around the house, "looking" in all the rooms, and calling, "C'mere, kitty kitty." I assured her that the kitty went home to find his mommy and that maybe one day it will come back and play with us again. I have a sneaky suspicion, though, that we may be budgeting for a kitty of our own in the future...

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